The types of training, therapies and treatments that are available for ASD are very varied and new ones are being added to the list with each passing day. The Tohum Autism Foundation website has information on some of the most current and widely used methods and techniques.
The benefits of any training, therapy or treatment must be established through scientifically verifiable results. However, the fact that research exists on a given method does not necessarily prove the efficacy of said method. For research results to evince the effects of a method such research should adhere to two standards:
- The research must be empirical,*
- The research must be published in a peer-reviewed, scientific publication.**
The training, therapy or treatments that have been presented in the Tohum Foundation Website have been judged on the above two standards as follows:
* Empirical research is conducted using control groups and depends on establishing cause and effect.
** Peer-reviewed publications are those which every article has been peer-reviewed by more than one specialist in the particular area.
Good: There are numerous experimental research studies which show that the method has had a positive outcome on children with autism.
Average: There is only limited experimental research showing that this method has had a positive outcome on children with autism.
Poor: There is no experimental research showing the positive effects of this technique on children with autism or the research which has been done shows no positive effect on children with autism.