You may be concerned that your child’s behavior is different from other children of their age. If you think that these types of behavior could be signs of autism, then you may wish to find out what autism is and how it may affect you and your family. Click here for more information
Education Methods
Applied Behavioral Analysis, TEACCH, Relationship-Based Methods, Social Stories and Facilitated Communication are some of the science-based techniques that are used. Click here for more information
Therapy Methods
In addition to special education in children with autism spectrum disorder, some therapy methods may be used. But resorting to different therapy methods does not reduce the need for special education. Click here for more information
Types of Treatment
It is very important that autism is detected early in a child’s life and preferably before the age of 3. This is because the earlier the child begins special education the faster they will progress. Click here for more information
Important Information
Educational diagnosis and placement process, educational resources suitable and available for each age group, frequently asked questions about autism and other important information. Click here for more information
Autism Sources
Reports, publications and useful links for families, education professionals, and people interested in autism. Click here for more information