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Charity Run

You can provide hope to children with autism through your steps!
The Tohum Autism Foundation participates in a number of charity runs throughout the year. Volunteer runners such as yourselves, participate in sports activities for different charitable causes. They ask for donations from their friends, family, colleagues and neighbours for the campaign they choose to support. Donations are sent to the bank account of charitable non-governmental organizations. In Turkey, “Adım Adım” is an approved organization that provides access to non-governmental organizations and volunteer runners to ensure funds are received into the correct accounts. For detailed information about Adım Adım please see
You too can contribute to the education of children with autism by choosing to run (or walk) for the Tohum Autism Foundation.
How to join a charity run for Tohum Autism Foundation:

  • Create a Profile

Click on Adım Adım ( to create your runner profile.

  • Choose the Tohum Autism Foundation

You can select the project of the Tohum Autism Foundation in the NGO section for the run you want to participate in.

  • Share with your Friends

You can begin soliciting donations by sharing your runner profile with your friends, family, colleagues and neighbours.

  • Track your Goal

At any time, you can access your runner profile to see the names of people who have donated on your behalf and track how much time you need to reach your goal.
You can contact us at 0212 244 75 00 or