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Increasing Opportunities for Autistic Children to Learn by using Technology

Supported by the Istanbul Development Agency’s 2012 Non-Profit Financial Program to Increase Information and Communications Technologies Economic Development Program, the 9 month “Increasing Opportunities for Autistic Children to Learn by using Technology” project aimed to improve communication for disadvantaged children, in academia and their daily lives by using technology. An effective, easy to use and fun teaching website was launched.
Teachers at the Tohum Autism Foundation Private Special Education School developed 300 different concepts within 50 teaching program modules that form the backbone of their daily lives and which a teacher would seek to impart to a typical 0-8 year old, developed for children with ASD or mental disabilities. The 50 different teaching groups comprised 20 object differentiation, 10 objects to be categorised, and these would help to teach shapes, colours, fruit, vegetables, drinks etc.
The project also involved the dissemination of the concept software and its aims throughout Istanbul’s Bağcılar, Kadıköy, Şişli, Zeyntinburnu and Beylikdüzü areas via seminars giving information to families and teachers on how to access the software and how to use it. Within two months of the development of the software1,050 hours of training had been given and 525 people had been reached by the project.
You can reach the concept software which has been designed as game from the link address; IOS and Android based tablets have been given free access.
Disclaimer notice: The publication and its contents were prepared with the support of The Istanbul Development Agency’s 2012 Non-Profit Financial Program to Increase Information and Communications Technologies Economic Development Program and its contents do not reflect those of the Istanbul Development Agency and/or the Turkish Development Ministry who take no responsibility for this, with full responsibility taken by the Thumb Autism Foundation.