On April 2015 Autism Awareness Month, Tohum Autism Foundation and Starbucks implemented a new awareness campaign named ‘’When I Grow Up’’. During the campaign, informantion about importance of early diagnosis and education in autism was shared on the website www.benbuyuyunce.com. Billboards were prepared with the support of Metropolitan Municipalities from all over Turkey. With the support of media groups, advertisements drawing attention to the subject were published in about 30 magazines and newspapers. Seeds in pots were sent to 200 press and opinion leaders for awareness purposes with the message “You should support it too”. Informing brochures were placed in 230 Starbucks stores. The song of the ‘When I Grow Up’ campaign with the same name, was sang by the leading roles of the show Poyraz Karayel to show their support. On social media, posts with the hashtag #benbüyüynce helped the campaign reach broad audiences.